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Makin’ Sushi

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to share the afternoon with a really sweet friend, Tomoko.  Our children are in the same class, and play nicely together.  The kids were on their winter holiday break, and she had invited us over for lunch and a playdate.  I had told her how Little E loved sushi, so she thought it would be fun to make our own.  I thought this would be a great idea, and I couldn’t wait to give it a go.

Tomoko is Japanese, but has been an expat for quite sometime.  She said that she had really learned how to make sushi while living in the US…I found this to be a bit ironic, but I guess they don’t make sushi in the US like they do in Japan!  There is nothing like learning how to make sushi (and eat it properly) by a Japanese person!  It was really interesting learn the different steps and products used to make it.  And, I even successfully made a sushi roll myself!

Little E loved it.  She made some rice balls, and learned how to use chopsticks.  The salmon was her favorite…I think she might have eaten all of it by herself!  I love that she is willing to try raw fish, but I can’t get her to eat a chicken nugget! 

Thanks again, Tomoko!  We had a great time, and I loved learning something new!

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